Sunday, December 27, 2015

Donated Goods to Goodwill

      Next year, I am planing on reading Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Indeed, I've ordered the book on Amazon and will be supposed to receive it in early next year. :) I watched her on Japanese TV and learned how to declutter your home from the show. Last night, I just did what I learned from her. I decided which ones I should keep or get rid of. As a result, I collected so many clothes which I wouldn't wear any more from my closet. Now, my closet is neatly clean, and I am very happy. It's like the life changing magic as she says. I can't wait reading her book next year. :)

     Today, my husband and I went to our local Goodwill Donation Center to donate those goods. I am glad that we just finished this task before New Year's Day. We received this Donation Tax Receipt, which we will need to fill out information to fill a tax return next spring.
Donation Tax Receipt

Donation Tax Receipt

      These are my entries you might like.

■The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

■I Got the Konmari Book, Spark Joy! 

■My Tidying Marathon (Books) - Konmari Methods

■Japanese MD Player - My Tidying Marathon

■Marie Kondo Moved to the U.S.

■Marie Kondo's New Book : The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up

     My entries related to Konmari can be seen here.

     My entries related to Japan can be seen here.


  1. Hi,

    I recently made a visit to my local Goodwill to drop off some donations (clothes, housewares, etc.) & received the same donation tax receipt. However, this is the first time donating and I'm not sure how to claim/file a tax return with said receipt. If you could clarify for me, I would truly appreciate it!


    Eric Juarez

    1. Right before going to Goodwill, I write down how many of each items I will donate on my note, and then I keep the note and donation receipt together to file taxes next year. If you hire an accountant to do your taxes, give the note and the donation receipt to your accountant. If you file taxes online like using Turbo Tax, you need to fill out information (how many of each items you donated) with your Turbo Tax on your own. A donation receipt is for your own record to provide evidence of your donation in case you get audited. That's all I know. I am not professional, so it's a good idea to ask an accountant for accurate information.

  2. Thank you for the clarification!
