Friday, April 28, 2017

Yakiniku Plate - What My Husband Cooked

        Last night, my husband told me that he wanted to eat yakiniku (焼肉), which is one of his favorite Japanese foods, because he was going to have a minor surgery on the following day, so he would not be allowed to eat anything from next morning. That's why he wanted to eat his favorite foods for the final dinner before surgery. He purchased some thinly sliced beef at Japanese supermarket on his way home and cooked yakiniku plate last night. Yaki (焼き) means grill, fry or cook in Japanese, and niku (肉) means meat, so yakiniku is Japanese style grilled (or fried) meat.    
Yakiniku, Nukazuke and Grape Tomatoes
       As soon as meat and vegetables are grilled, those are dipped in yakiniku sauce, which is called yakiniku no tare (焼肉のたれ) in Japanese, right before being eaten. In our refrigerator, we always have at least one bottle of yakiniku sauce, and now we have this one,  KNK yakiniku sauce. This yakiniku sauce is so delicious! It has garlic and soy sauce taste. :)
KNK Yakiniku Sauce
         By the way, when I was a child in Japan, my mother cooked yakiniku at least once a week (It was too often, but my family really loved yakiniku.). It's because everyone loves yakiniku, and it's really easy to cook. All she did was just cut vegetables such as onions, cabbages, green peppers, and eggplants. Then, she served vegetables and meat. I think most families in Japan have an electronic yakiniku hot plate. My family could grill meat and vegetables with the hot plate on the table, and we enjoyed having yakiniku for dinner in Japan.

       My husband also cooked this curry flavored sauteed potatoes.
Curry Flavored Sauteed Potatoes

       Then, he served this fruit, cherimoya. It was our first time to have cherimoya. He told me that the cherimoya is often considered one of the best-tasting fruits in the world.

     It was white inside and had some seeds.

    Indeed, it was so delicious! It's rich and creamy and had sweet and fruity flavor. We really enjoyed our first cherimoya.

     I think he really enjoyed the final dinner before having surgery. :)  He still hasn't had anything since this morning. What are we going to eat tomorrow?

    My entries related to cooking can be seen here.

    My entries related to my favorite recipes can be seen here.

    My entries related to foods my husband cooked can be seen here.

    My entries related to Japanese instant ramen can be seen here.

    My entries related to Japanese noodles can be seen here.

    My entries related to Japan Haul can be seen here.

    My entries related to Best Japanese Beauty Products can be seen here.

    My entries related to Japan can be seen here.

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■How to Cook Soboro Don, Japanese Scrambled Meat And Egg Bowl

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