Monday, October 22, 2012

Vocabularies that I Have Learned This Semester

I have learned many vocabularies this semester and taken vocabulary quizzes every two weeks. However, I have already forgotten most of them because I haven't used them on a regular basis. My teacher told me these were advanced vocabularies, and we should use them in order to make ourselves sound more intellectual. Haha... I think it is important to know these vocabularies, especially to improve writing and reading skills.
These are what I've learned so far this semeseter.

diverse : adjective / having difference
  ex) You can choose from many diverse option.

apparent : adjective / easily seen or understood
 ex) My grade will become apparent within two weeks.

wherewithal : noun / resources
 ex) I have the wherewithal to hire a lawyer.

participation : noun / one's involvement in something
 ex) My participation in this class will improve my English skills.

multicultural : adjective / relating to multiple cultures
 ex) There are many multicultual supermarkets in my city.

interconnected : adjective / related or connected to something
 ex) Reading and writing are interconnected.

pertinent : adjective / related or relevant
 ex) I need information pertinent to the jobs.

illustrate : verb / to make clear or show as example
 ex) He illustrated how to replace a car battery.

internalize : verb / to incorporate or make part of yourself
 ex) I want to internalize the book.

summarize : verb / to restate and shorten a subject using only main ideas
 ex) We need to summarize the main point.

encounter : verb / to meet
 ex) I encountered my old friend.

discard : verb / throw out
 ex) I think we should discard the plan.

purpose : noun / goal
 ex) The purpose of using your personal information is for shipping your order.

facilitate : verb / to help or aid
 ex) This medicine facilitates your recovery.

ensure : verb / to gurantee
 ex) They ensure the quality of their product.

regardless of : adverb / having or showing no regard
 ex) Regardless of age, students study hard at my college.

empower : verb / to give power to
 ex) Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to empower black Americans.

superfluous : adjective / unneeded or extra
 ex) The company discarded superfluous employees.

expand : verb / to increase the number or make grow
 ex) The teacher expands our ability to write essay.

communicator : noun / a person who communicates
 ex) We should be a good communicators.

premise : noun / situation or fact
 ex) I agree with the premise of this class.

valid : adjective / relevant, meaningful, or true
 ex) He quit the company without a valid reason.

consequence : noun / result or ramification
 ex) He remains unconscious as an unfortunate consequence of an accident.

nonetheless : adverb / but or however
 ex) Nonetheless, it is not all that simple.

guarantee : noun / the assurance something will happen
 ex) There is no guarantee that the doctor will be here tomorrow.

jabber : noun / nonsense
 ex) The teacher told us to go ahead and jabber.

criticism : noun / negative evaluation
 ex) He has been offering criticism of government policy.

disrespectful : adjective / lacking respect
 ex) I can't stand his disrespectful behavior.

discrepancy : noun / difference or disagreement
 ex) There is a discrepancy between the receipt and the items.

disrupt : verb / to create disorder
 ex) He is disrupting class.

stock : noun / the source from which others originate
 ex) We should keep a stock of caned soups in our pantry.

exception : noun / something left out from others
 ex) There is an exception to this rule.

misinterpretation : noun / thing incorrectly understood
 ex) His behavior led to confusion and misinterpretation.

irritated : adjective / impatient or displeased
 ex) I became irritated while he was smoking.

phenomenon : noun / an observable event
 ex) Economic weakness is a global phenomenon.

procedure : noun / series of steps or methods
 ex) We have to follow the procedure step-by-step.

engaging : noun / taking part in something
 ex) By engaging in hobbies, you can improve your skills.

braggart : noun / someone who brags or shows off
 ex) Person who is a braggart irritates me.

bemoan : verb / to express displeasure or dissatisfaction
 ex) She bemoans her mother's death.

degrade : verb / to lower the status
 ex) The situation in the country has degraded.

unconsciously : adverb / not consciously aware
 ex) He kicked a ball unconsciously.

amenable : adjective / willing or cooperative
 ex) I should be amenable to the school guidelines.

interpret : verb / explain the meaning
 ex) I interpreted my class assignment correctly.

willingness : noun / ready to act
 ex) I expressed willingness to learn.

stare : verb / look without moving the eyes
 ex) I am staring at my neighbor's cat.

linger : verb / to be slow in leaving somewhere
 ex) We lingered around the beach until sunset.

apprehensive : adjective / fearful or nervous
 ex) Our dog had an apprehensive look as I was leaving home.

accompany : verb / go with
 ex) My boss accompanied us to the cafeteria.

genuine : adjective / real or authentic
 ex) This is a genuine Gucci bag.

phony : noun / fake
 ex) His attitude makes me think he is a phony.

slouch : verb / drooping posture or not straight
 ex) He slouched against a wall.

slump : verb / drooping posture or not straight
 ex) He slumped in a chair.

clenched : adjective / closed tightly
 ex) My fist is clenched.

text : verb / typing on a phone for instant message
 ex) He texted his friend in class.

vacantly : adverb / absently, without thought
 ex) He stared vacantly at the audience.

chat : verb / talking rapidly and informally
 ex) We are chatting at cafe.

pound : verb / to strike forcefully
 ex) I pounded the pizza dough with all my might.

demeaning : adjective / to lower in status or belittle
 ex) His comment in class was very demeaning.

condescending : adjective / to act superior
 ex) I don't appreciate it when people treat me in a condescending manner.

encroach : verb / to go beyond limits
 ex) He encroached on my right.

subtle : adjective / elusive or hard to detect
 ex) His idiosyncrasies are very subtle.

resent : verb / to feel annoyed
 ex) I resent when he smokes.

distract : verb / to take attention away
 ex) He distract me from my work.

chomp : verb / to chew
 ex) He is chomping down on a snack bar.

aroma : noun / a smell
 ex) I awoke to the aroma of brewing coffee.

permeate : verb / diffuse or spread
 ex) The smoke permeated the room after he lit a cigarette.

munch : verb / to chew
 ex) He munched on hamburgers for lunch.

spouse : noun / a martial partner either husband or wife
 ex) He is married to a wonderful spouse.

buddy : noun / casual friend
 ex) My husband found a workout buddy.

commiseration : noun / to have sympathy
 ex) His commiseration calms me down.

fizzle : verb / to stop slowly
 ex) My energy fizzled out after I was fired.

fondly : adverb / kindly or with pleasure
 ex) She smiles fondly at her baby.

arduous : adjective / difficult
 ex) Painting the house was an arduous task.

scholastic : adjective / academic
 ex) Applicant must prove your scholastic performance.

acquaintance : noun / casual friend
 ex) I have many acquaintance in the U.S.

ideology : noun / a set of beliefs
 ex) He is lacking ideology.

antagonize : verb / to agitate or irritate
 ex) He antagonized me by lying.

civility : noun / politeness
 ex) In that hotel, they treat customers with civility.

decorum : noun / polite behavior
 ex) Drinkers sometimes lose their decorum.

figurative : adjective / representing or symbolic of something else
 ex) He said the same thing in a figurative way.

I've learned 80 vocabularies in my class. Even though I have become familiar with some of them in my writing, I have forgotten most of them. I don't even remember if I've learned few of them.... I can't believe myself! All the studying I have done for vocabularies quizzes are almost meaningless! I've often realized my vocabulary skill is weaker than my peers. Nonetheless, I have always gotten good scores on my vocabulary quizzes. I know I think I should use as many of these in my writing assignments as possible. I know learning vocabularies is an endless process, but I need to keep studying them. 

 Today's Vocabulary
intellectual : adjective / 知的な、知力の[を要する]、知性の(ある)、知能の
 ex) Nancy's an intellectual beauty. : ナンシーは知的美人である。
consequence : noun / 〔行動や状況から必然的に導かれる〕結果、結論、帰結
・ amenable : adjective / 〔指示・忠告・提案などに〕素直に従う、従順な、反論せずに受け入れる
・ willingness : noun / 意欲、いとわずにすること、快く[進んで・積極的に]~すること[気持ち]、乗り気であること、やる気
・ civility : noun / 〔社会的規範を守った形式的な〕丁寧さ、礼儀正しさ、礼節
・ decorum : noun / 〔慣習としての〕礼儀作法◆通例decorums、礼儀正しさ
figurative : adjective / 比喩の、比喩的な、比喩を含む◆象徴的な何かを表現するために使われる形容詞。  

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