Monday, August 13, 2012


Today is "Obon," a day when Japanese honor the spirit of their ancestors through Buddhist custom. This is the one of the biggest holidays in Japan. Many people get holidays during on August 13 to 15 or longer. Many People return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves. This is a type of family reunion day.

When I was little, many relatives came to visit my house during obon. Lanterns were lit around our family Buddhist alter and make offerings there around this time to show respect to ancestors in commemoration of the deceased. My relatives got together and ate a big meal. Then, we went to cemetery. My family told me during obon, our ancestors went back to our house. That's why we lit up lanterns to welcome them and enjoyed our reunion.

Now, some family just take a vacation trip during obon holiday even though many people return to see their families. Everywhere in Japan are crowded with people. I think this situation is similar to Thanksgiving day and Christmas day in the U.S.

 Today's Vocabulary
・ honor : verb / ~に尊敬の念を持つ
・ spirit : noun / 霊、魂、霊魂、精霊
・ family Buddhist alter : 仏壇
・ show respect : 尊敬する、敬意を示す
・ in commemoration of : ~の記念に、~を記念して、~の記念のために (Pronunciation is kəme`məre'iʃən)
・ the deceased : noun / 故人 (Pronunciation is dih-seest)
・ eat a big meal : たらふく食べる

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