Friday, November 16, 2012

Vocabularies I Need to Be Familiar with

Today, I went to cafe to meet my friend as usual Friday. It's been three weeks since we met last time. She was busy for three weeks because she had visitors from Korea. We talked about what happened in our past three weeks. She told me her son who is 18 needed to get a surgery unexpectedly. One day, he called her to complain about left-side chest pain. Next day, they visited a doctors' office and received instruction from doctor to go to an emergency hospital. He was diagnosed with spontaneous pneumothroax, which usually tends to occur in young skinny men. He needed to get a surgery and was hospitalized for a week. I thought her life was packed in past three weeks.
We studied about vocabularies were from our reading textbook, which we finished up our last meeting. We reviewed the vocabularies, but I noticed that I had already forgotten some of them. haha!
These are vocabularies which I need to memorize. Even though I already know some of them, I am still not familiar with using them.

startled : adjective / びっくりして (Pronunciation is stɑ'ːrtl )
 ex) I was startled.
 ex) A startled bear bit the man's head.

infuriating : adjective / ひどく腹立たしい
 ex) His delay is infuriating.

condemn : verb / 非難する、責める (Pronunciation is kənde'm )
 ex) I condemn terrorists as much as you do. : 私もあなたと同様にテロリストを非難している。

discriminate against : ~を差別する、~に不公平な扱いをする
 ex) We don't discriminate against any race. : 私たちは人種差別をしません。

get along : 仲良くやっていく、仲良く暮らしていく
 ex) We are getting along well.
 ex) I don't get along with her.

prior to : ~より前に、~に先立って
 ex)  She went to China prior to her trip to Korea.
 ex) He has no memory of what happened to him prior to this morning.

vice versa : 逆も同様に
 ex) You have to give me what I need, and vice versa. : 君は僕の必要とするものをくれるべきだ、また逆に僕は君の必要とするものをあげるべきだ。

facade : noun / うわべ、見せ掛け (Pronunciation is fəsɑ'ːd )
 ex) The Smith family maintained a facade of wealth although they were not rich. : スミス一家は金持ちではないのに裕福なふりを続けた。

procession : noun / 前進、行進、行列
 ex) A procession of people entered the new department store. : 人々の行列が新しいデパートの中へと入っていった。

conceited : adjective / うぬぼれた (Pronunciation is kuhn-see-tid )
 ex) It may sound conceited of me to say so, but ... : うぬぼれに聞こえるかもしれないが…。

insulting : adjective / 無礼な、屈辱的な
 ex) Do you not get how insulting you're being? : 《批難する》自分が失礼なことをしてるのが分からないんですか?

uncivilized : adjective / 野蛮な、下品な、がさつな
 ex) I think his clothes makes him look uncivilized. : 彼の服装が彼をダサく見せていると思う。

peculiar : adjective / 奇妙な、特有の
 ex) There was a peculiar smell. : 変な匂いがしていた。

disguise : verb / 〔人(の外見)を〕変装させる、扮装させる、〔事実・感情などを〕隠す、偽る、隠蔽する、〔分からないように~を〕変化させる、偽装させる
 ex) They disguise themselves as students or newspaper reporters, etc. 彼らは留学生や新聞記者などに姿を変えて行動している。

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