Friday, September 28, 2012

Military Draft System

This morning, I went to a cafe to meet my Korean friend as usual Friday. She told me about Korean military system. She said that Korean government has been adapting military draft system. So, Korean men must join the military when they become certain age. While U.S. military offers many benefit to soldiers, Korean military doesn't. Korean men have to join the military without compensation. She thought Korean government should offer some benefits to the soldiers, so that it will be an incentive and as a result their military will become more stronger. I asked her if she thought the military system was necessity. She said, "Of course. It's because we were divided by north and south. We needed to prepare from North Korea's attack." However, I believe we don't need military at all. We shouldn't improve technology and weapons of mass destruction. I don't understand why people make weapons for killing people. Regardless of any reason, I can't understand why people kill each other. Going to war means that someone has to die, and it brings only sadness and regrets. There are many U.S. military stationed in Japan, but Japanese people are not happy about that. When I was little we were educated how going to war was terrible from history of World War II. Japan is the only country that suffered an atomic bomb damage in history. Japan has decided we will never go to war again. You may think I am talking about my dream, but I strongly believe all countries will understand someday that we don't have to kill each other. It's because we are human, and we can make a right decision without fighting. We can learn something from our history.

 Today's Vocabulary
・ compensation : noun / 〔労働などに対する〕支払い、対価、報酬、賃金、給与
  ex) What kind of compensation do you have in mind? : 《面接》どのくらいの給与をお考えですか。
・ incentive : noun / 〔仕事などに対する〕やる気(を起こさせるもの
  ex) His incentive is huge. : 彼のやる気はすごい。
・ mass destruction : 大量破壊[殺りく]
・ be stationed : たむろする、進駐する、駐屯する、駐留する


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