Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How to Bake Chocolate Cake

Today is Valentine's day.

So, I've decided to bake a chocolate cake by using my KitchenAid stand mixer.

This recipe is my favorite one.
I'm going to share the recipe.

8 oz (225g) of chopped chocolate
300 ml of whip cream
5 oz (150g) of sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla flavor
1 cup (240g) of all-purpose flour
2 oz (60g) of cocoa powder
2 teaspoons of baking powder

1. Beat whip cream and sugar until creamy.
2. Add beaten egg and vanilla flavor to the mixture. Mix them thoroughly.
3. Add all-purpose flour, cocoa powder and baking powder to the mixture. Mix them gently.
4. Add chocolate to the mixture. Mix them until moistened.
5. Pour the mixture into the loaf pan.
6. Bake it in an oven at 355 for 50-70 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake pulls out clean.
7. Let it cool, cut and serve.
8. Enjoy!

    This is my entries related to my favorite recipe.

      This is my entries related to cooking.

 Today's Vocabulary
・ bake ~ in an oven at _ degrees for _ minutes : ~を_度のオーブンで_分焼く
  ex) bake bread in an oven : オーブンでパンを焼く
  ex) bake cake in an oven : オーブンでケーキを焼く
・ toothpick : 爪楊枝
・ let ~ cool : ~を冷やす
  ex) Let it cool.

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