Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ultra Strength Red Panax Ginseng Extractum - Sprouts Haul

     Today, my husband and I went to Sprouts to purchase some vegetables and fruits as we always do on weekends.

      When we were standing in the checkout line at the store, he asked me, "Can I purchase something interesting?" Then, he picked up this small vial, Red Panax Ginseng Extractum.
Ultra Strength Red Panax Ginseng Extractum
      It looked like Chinese medicine to me. I asked him, "What is this?" He told me that he doesn't know about this product well, but he had seen the man purchasing 4 vials of it at Sprouts just the other day, and he became interested in it. The cashier told me that it gives you energy and it lasts a few hours. "It really works but doesn't have any side effect. You can use the small straw to drink it." It seemed that the cashier really knows about this product. :)  Have you ever tried it?

Ultra Strength Red Panax Ginseng Extractum

      This small vial was only 49 cents! If it really works, it's cheaper than Red Bull.   
Ultra Strength Red Panax Ginseng Extractum
     It contains panax ginseng root extract, Even though I really love vegetable and green juice, I don't think I will like it frankly because it looks medicine to me, and I guess that it doesn't taste pleasant. However, surprisingly, it has many reviews on Amazon US, and it's pretty highly rated. After he drinks this interesting supplemental liquid, I'll write about it next time. :)

      This is my entries related to cooking.    

      This is my entries related to my favorite recipes.

       My entries related to vegetables can be seen here.

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