Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pike Place Market - Traveling Seattle, Day 1-3/7

         After having clam chowder at Pike Place Chowder, my husband and I strolled around Pike Place Market's Main Arcade. Pike Place Market, which is known for items such as fresh fish and produce, is now one of the state's most popular attractions. There was a big crowd of people every where. 
Pike Place Market
        We found the Pike Place Market's unofficial bronze mascot, Rachel, a bronze cast piggy bank, at the corner of Pike Place. This has been located there since 1986.
The Pike Place Market's unofficial bronze mascot, Rachel

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market
         There were so many colorful fruit and vegetables displayed beautifully at Main Arcade. Since I love fresh vegetables, I enjoyed looking at the lively farmer's market. :)
Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market
         There were some fishmongers' stalls. Some people were eating fast seafood dishes such as crab cocktail around Jack's Fish Spot.
Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market
         The Pike Place Fish Market, which is known for their tradition of fishmongers throwing fish that customers have purchased, before they are wrapped, is a popular tourist destination in Seattle. I knew about the Pike Place Fish Market by taking the company workshop about 15 years ago. It's because the idea of the Fish Philosophy, modeled after the Pike Place Fish Market, was adopted in my former workplace. It is a technique to make individuals alert and active in the workplace. I completely forgot about the Fish Philosophy for many years, but when I saw a fishmonger throwing fish, it reminded me of back in the day I started my career. At that time, I never imagined that I would see this place with my own eyes!

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market
        Their seafood looked nice and fresh!
Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market
Pike Place Market

85 Pike St
Seattle, WA 98101

       My entries related to my traveling in Seattle can be seen here.

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