Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My 30-day Challenge on June

I started 30-day challenge again on June 1st. I am trying three challenges this time.

My first challenge is going to my apartment gym everyday and working out there for at least 20 minutes every day. In the past a month, I tended to be lazy again, so I didn't go to gym every day. I knew that exercising everyday is very important for my backache through my previous challenges. Now, I stay at home all day long because I don't go to school and need to study nursing at home. That's why I need to work out more than before to maintenance my health in good shape. My husband and I have been working out for five days now, and we have already noticed the benefits of everyday exercise. We could get back into the swing of things. :)

My second challenge is brushing my teeth three times a day. This challenge sounds silly, but it is very important for me as well. I've been waking up late these day because I don't go to school and am obviously a night owl. When I didn't wake up in the morning, I tended to brush my teeth twice a day. I want to keep my oral health in good shape as well. I know I should wake up early in the morning, but I can concentrate for my study at night.

Finally, my last challenge is updating my other blog, which is for my nursing study, everyday and review at least 10 questions on my blog. In this way, I can check my blog and study with my smart phone anytime anywhere when I have a spare time. Besides that, I hope to study 100 questions each day, but I can't to do it on weekends (Doing 100 questions is not my 30-day challenge thought). I am going to take NCLEX next month. Therefore, I need to keep up my nursing study very seriously.

I hope I will accomplish these challenges!

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