Monday, July 1, 2013

Comprehensive Evaluation of My 30-days Challenges on June

     On June 1st, I started my 30-day challenges, which were going to my apartment gym every day, brushing my teeth three times every day, and updating my another blog for studying nursing. I'd like to review my challenge.

     First of all, I failed my exercise challenge. I went to my apartment gym for seven days in a row, but I stopped it after I got my moles removed on June 8th. Because I had a lot of scars on my face, I hesitated to go outside. Even after my scars almost healed, I didn't exercise on a daily basis. I found excuse to avoid exercise, so I ended up indulging myself.  :(

     The next challenge was for my oral hygiene, and I accomplished this challenge. :) I brushed my teeth three times for 30 days in a row. I usually brush my teeth before going out, but I started staying home last month. I was afraid to forget brushing my teeth by staying home every day. That sounds silly, but this challenge was necessary for me. By doing this challenge, brushing my teeth after eating or drinking became my hygiene habit. :)
     The last challenge was for my nursing study, and I accomplished this challenge as well. I was going to review at least 10 questions on my other blog every day, but I did 20 questions for 30 days in a row. :) In addition, I answered 100 questions a day during weekdays. Although I am not satisfied with my score, I think I have been doing alright. I have learned a lot from my everyday study.

    At the end of this month, I am going to take NCLEX at last. Whether or not I will pass the exam for my first attempt, this month will be very special for me. How I spend every day will be very important for me than ever before. I need to study harder than before, but I also need to relax prior to the exam. Thus, I want to keep my life at my own pace. However, I'd like to continue my 30-day challenge for my oral hygiene just as same as last month because I will stay home all day long this month as well. I am already sure I can accomplish this goal, but I need to make a goal to get a sense of fulfillment. ;)

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